Monday 21 September 2020

The Benefits of A Cosmetic Tube

 There are lots of benefits of a Cosmetic Tube over an airless bottle. One of the most significant benefits of a cosmetic tube is the convenience it offers for carrying and use. The tubes are highly portable and is easy to carry in a purse. In addition to that it is also considered to be a mark of eco-responsibility. With better and proper dispensing attributes, the real estate of the cosmetic tube overall offers a much better opportunity for brand messaging, as well as decorating the product. There are also several other benefits of a cosmetic tube, which is why it is preferred over an airless bottle.

Useful for consumers and brands

The use of a Cosmetic Tube is beneficial for both the consumers as well as the brands of the products. As for the consumers, it is ultra-convenient to use and carry. On the other hand, for the brands it is much more economical. It is for this dual benefit to each that the personal care and cosmetic tubes takes up a huge part of the market. According to the research of Future Market Insights, it is estimated that the cosmetic and personal care tubes will be valued at $2.8 billion by the end of 2022. This will represent the largest segment of the tube packaging industry in the world.

Use of material

The material used to make the cosmetic tubes is another significant factor that makes it preferable over the Airless Bottle. One of the most used materials for making the cosmetic tubes is plastic. This is in keeping with the ever-growing concern of the packaging industry for the environment, in each facet of it. Therefore, it is quite natural that the tube sector will continue to find better ways to be more socially and environmentally responsible. They ensure that they maintain the desired protocols both for the manufacturing of the product as well as the packaging of the same.

The sustainability strategy

Over the years, the packaging industry has focused on optimizing the sustainability of the products. They follow a well-developed sustainability strategy that is fully reflected in their packaging designs. They make sure that all the materials used in making the product, the packaging and the cosmetic tubes are sourced keeping the recyclable, reusable, and compostable factors in mind. All these make the cosmetic tubes a far neater option than the Airless Bottle from the performance perspective.

Greenhouse gas emissions

Every industry now, including the cosmetic and packaging industry, is more focused on reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. With proper use of materials that are recyclable, it can be reduced by as much as 25%. This is estimated to happen by 2025. The landfill waste will then be reduced by nearly 5% and at the same time it will reduce the consumption of water and energy by as much as 1% every year. More importantly, companies are now on the lookout to end plastic waste. They are expanding and modernizing the waste infrastructures to upsurge plastic recovery in order to prevent its loss into the environment. For more information visit here: APG Packaging

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Changing Customer Perceptions With Cosmetic Tube

 What if you came to know one day that a simple change in the packaging of your product could extend its shelf life? Unbelievable, but it is true. You can avail of the latest Cosmetic Tube to preserve the beauty items in a better way and extend its shelf life considerably. But the packaging won't have any negative impact on the quality of the product. Airless packaging technology is taking the entire cosmetic industry by storm, and you should also try it for best results. But before trying this new technology, you might prefer clarifying some doubts about the system.

Why the sudden surge of technology application?

Many industries have already applied this technology for the better preservation of products in the food industry. But the cosmetic industry was late in joining the clan. As manufacturers of personal care items understood that products like serums and creams needed a storage option, without getting in contact with the air, they gradually start utilizing the Airless Bottle for packing their various skincare items. You can even customize the packages for different products like sunscreen lotions, hair care products, and skin rejuvenating creams. The "no contact with air" concept is the key reason for the gradual rise in this technology application demand.

Full product evacuation

When you sell a tube full of cream to customers, you will often get the feedback that they can't use the cream till the last drop. In spite of pressing the bottom part of the tubes with much pressure, the content won't come out due to air entry inside the tube. So, most of the customers agree to the fact that the Cosmetic Tube does not allow utilizing the full content. On the contrary, using the airless pump for the bottles will allow the user to squeeze out the content until there is nothing left inside. And so, it is the best way to justify the price.

Driving buying behavior

If you think that by using the Airless Bottle, you are simply enhancing the appearance of the product, you are wrong. The chief motive behind using the special bottle is to drive the behavior of the potential buyers. Whether a customer walks inside a brick and mortar store, or is scrolling down the online page showcasing various cosmetics, what the person sees at first glance is the packaging's image. If the package immediately indicates the nature of the product and the key benefits, it will help the buyers shortlist it in the cart immediately.

Realistic perception

It depends on the package of how a buyer will perceive your products. For instance, you are selling an anti-dandruff shampoo in the airless bottles. An image showing a model with glossy hair, and a big red X over the small image of dandruff, that is enough to let the customer know that the shampoo will remove dandruff and make the hair glossy. For more information visit here: APG Packaging