Wednesday 22 January 2020

The Working Principle of The Airless Bottle Makes It So Effective

It is not without any reason that the premium cosmetic products and skin care product manufacturers are using the Airless Bottle instead of the traditional pump bottles that come with a long tube inside it. It is the benefits of these airless pump bottles provide as compared to the other pump bottles, which has resulted in the extensive use of it. However, the most significant reason for such preference is the working principle and the mechanism of these airless pump bottles. It is this mechanism that not only makes it so favored but also very useful for the consumers as well.

A few key differences

The first significant difference between an Airless Bottle and other cosmetic bottles lies in the working process of it. This is a significant difference that makes these airless bottles unique and more useful. In fact, the airless pump bottles are an airless pack in the truest sense. The design is specific and uses a piston at the base. This piston is also specially designed and has a small circular plastic disc at the bottom of the nozzle. This helps in pushing the cream out of the pack when the bottle or the actuator, to be more precise, is squeezed by the user.

Creation of a vacuum

When the user presses the actuator, there is a small partial vacuum created inside the chamber of these specially designed airless bottles. As you may know that according to the laws of physics, a void is always filled up by the air outside, this air pushes the cream along with it into the chamber. This is then, in turn, pushed up through the nozzle and out. The good thing about it is that the small partial vacuum eliminates excess dispensing of the cream, and therefore there is no wastage of the product. The users can easily control and regulate the flow of the cream from inside out.

The pressure factors 

Another critical factor of these specially designed airless Bottles is the pressure factor. This is the primary factor that makes it easier for users to control the flow of the cream. The users can change in pressure as and when required by moving the piston upwards. The small hole at the base allows air to blow in controlled volume to the bottom of the bottle to fill up the area from which the cream is dispensed. This means that the pressure inside the container remains constant, making it more consistent for application. It assures an easy flow of the cream from within even if the bottle is half full.

Freshness and safety issues 

Since there is no tube or pipe in the mechanism, there is no chance of any unusual flow of the cream. This also has another significant benefit. It prevents the cream from being exposed to air. This prevents oxygen from entering and contaminating the product. Moreover, this prevents any bacteria from growing inside as well. This keeps the cream fresh and safe to use till the last drop. For more information visit Our Website

Monday 13 January 2020

Appropriate Cosmetic Packaging Increases Sales, Prevents Wastage & Helps With Branding

Protecting the products from environmental elements is the main objective of any type of packaging. However, this is not the only objective when packaging the cosmetics. It is equally important to consider the effect of the package on the consumers, as the beauty products are also supposed to be packed beautifully in order to complement the nature of the content. The packaging of any type of chemical product is used in order to deliver the important messages to the customers. For example, it is used to inform how to use a product as well as the positive or adverse effects of any type of product. However, the cosmetic packaging is also used for the branding. It contributes to a brand’s overall image. For example, you may use the high-end packaging to signal to the consumers that you are selling a high quality product. The customized designing can be used to create a custom identity for any brand.Therefore, the packaging of cosmetic products fulfills various purposes.

Defining Application Method 

The cosmetic packaging also defines the application of a product. For example, the perfumes are mostly available in spray bottles. This type of packaging signals to the consumers that this product is supposed to be sprayed onto the body instead of being rolled onto the skin.Hence, packaging dictate show a product is supposed to be applied and may shape the purchasing decision of the consumers.The design of the package can even influence the consumers. It can be used to engage the consumers’ attention and to motivate them in making investments.It may even help the consumers make the right decision during the purchase.

Increasing Sales

Cosmetics packaging is also essential for the increase in sales, as it works as the silent salesman of any product. It is meant to seduce the consumers and to transform products into the objects of their desire. The packaging is supposed to trigger the ‘impulse buying’ of the consumers. It is an unplanned decision that is made by a consumer right before purchasing a product. The trading of any cosmetic product depends upon its packaging to some extent.

Safe Transportation & Protection from Theft

The cosmetics packaging is equally essential for the safe transportation and storage of any cosmetic product. The beautifying or skincare products are made of various chemical and natural ingredients. These elements may become spoiled after being exposed to the heat or dirt. Hence, it is essential to protect the cosmetic products. The packaging works as the protector of the material that is inside the present inside a tube, vial or any other type of container.

The cosmetic packaging is also supposed to protect the cosmetic products from theft. It is not impossible for an individual to steal the material of a container without proper packaging. If a product is properly packed, then it also prevents the leakage or spillage of the content. To read more Click Here