Tuesday 29 December 2020

The Fundamental Features of An Airless Bottle

 Cosmetic products are sensitive, and hence the protection and preservation of the products are necessary. Airless Bottle and containers are a vacuum for dispensing liquids. These bottles increase the stability and shelf life of the products. The bottles are cost-effective and easy to use, saving a lot of time and labor. The airless containers are free from leaks, which avoids spilling of the products. Bottles are tamper-resistant, and therefore the contents are protected from harmful lights. The bottles are available in different shapes, sizes, and colors. The airless containers are checked thoroughly by the manufacturers to ensure quality. The tight air feature of the bottles prevents the contents from drying out. The airless dispensing system has accuracy in dosage and variable dosing.

Significance of airless dispensing

The Airless Bottle has several benefits over the ordinary containers used for storing cosmetic products. These bottles are light in weight and require no dip tubes. This increases the cosmetic shelf life. The airless dispensing system draws the product and ensures less waste of content. These bottles cause no reaction with the contents like oxidization, and they are recyclable. These bottles are the best option for storing organic and natural products, and there is no need to use chemical preservatives. There is no strict protocol that you have to keep airless containers in an upright position; you can store them in any position. The airless containers permit you to dispense the contents without taking off the lid, even when the content runs low.

Best for anti-aging products

Airless packaging is ideal for preserving skincare products. The ingredients used in these products are sensitive, and their effectiveness reduces when it meets the open air. Therefore, to avoid degradation of the products, these special Airless Bottle are used. These bottles increase the longevity of the anti-aging products. The bottles are designed in such a manner so that the actuators are wide enough to fit the finger of the user, as the user dispenses the product. The airless packages are basic shells that are evolving into luxurious vessels. Bottles are available in various colors and have a slight curve, which makes it easy to grasp. These bottles are also ideal for heavy creams and lotions. Bottles have a sleek, clean, and modern look and are hygienic and simple.

Reason to use airless containers

There are several reasons for using an Airless Bottle, which include the efficacy and the freshness of the product is intact until its last use. There is no growth of bacteria and fungus, thus maintains the integrity of the product. The airless feature reduces the contamination that occurs from the air. There is zero wastage, and there is no need to use preservatives for the products. These bottles are eco-friendly and are reusable and refillable. The cost of packaging is less and saves a lot of money. There is no fixed posture for storing it, and it does not get affected if it bounces around in your luggage. You can refill it by yourself. First, ensure that the Bottle is completely dry, sterile, and clean. Avoiding the empty space when filling the product, you can tap to make the contents settle. For more information visit here: APG Packaging

Monday 14 December 2020

Innovative Experiment For Eco Friendly Cosmetic Packaging

 The cosmetic industry is highly competitive, and therefore the sustainability and naturalness of the ingredients are the most important factors in the beauty industry. The cosmetic products packaging industry is also following this natural and sustainable trend through Eco Friendly Cosmetic Packaging. Eco-friendly packaging enables easy waste disposal without impacting the environment. The packaging industrial is investing more in R&D for the eco-friendly process. Recyclable varieties such as cardboards and papers will always have their place in sustainable packaging methods. Some companies are switching to cork containers in place of reusable aluminum containers. These cork containers are waterproof, totally biodegradable, and durable. There is also the use of bamboo packaging, which is gaining popularity as it can be compostable and has low impact to grow. Packaging companies are also experimenting with mushroom fibers, seaweed, and corn starch for packing.

Post-Consumer Resin in Packaging

Eco-Friendly Cosmetic Packaging also includes the use of post-consumer Resin for sustainable solutions for packing cosmetics. PCR uses a blend of recycled packing plastics that gives the look and feel of a high-end product. The post-consumer Resin also takes care of customer satisfaction with the product, and this technique avoids further use of petrol-chemical resin. It reduces dumping through landfill and reuses single-use plastics. These materials have the same durability as the PET plastics and have a similar kind of appearance. It enables an extremely low gas-vapor transmission rate and is also resistant to breakage. The impact of the use of these materials on customers is incredibly positive as it shows your care for the environment. PCR avoids further reduction of finite fossil fuel resources.

Bamboo Packaging

The use of bamboo is gaining popularity among cosmetic packaging companies. Eco-Friendly Cosmetic Packaging companies prefer bamboo packaging as it is extremely durable and highly renewable and is usable in an increasing number of applications. Bamboo plants are the fastest growing and can grow up to 30 feet within a small span of time. It helps to absorb carbon dioxide from the environment. Bamboo gives a contemporary and elegant look and has a natural, good quality visual effect. Bamboo is easily available in the locality and helps to save a lot of money. These are biodegradable and compostable, thus helping to save the environment from the harmful effect of plastic.

Soap and Beeswax Packaging

The Eco-Friendly Cosmetic Packaging companies are also engaging themselves to use bottles and containers for a range of toiletry, using materials that can melt away totally when no longer used. These companies use soap and beeswax for developing packaging materials. Vegetable oil-based soaps are in packaging cast which is dyed with pigment and formed into a mold. The pigments used are of plants, minerals, and flowers. A thin layer of beeswax is implied on the containers, which enables them to be waterproof. The liquids kept inside these containers are not able to dissolve due to the beeswax. Customer must the store packaged stuff in a dry place. They are very sustainable and take no pain to dissolve. These materials provide a great look for the packaging and help to prevent environmental degradation. For more information visit here: APG Packaging

Thursday 3 December 2020

Ways To Implement Sustainable Cosmetic Packaging

 Cosmetic packaging is becoming eco-friendly with days. The advancement in the production of eco-friendly cosmetics has left the customers anticipating sustainable packages that would be equal to the product type, substance, and its properties. Eco-friendly containers and bags have a long-term benefit. These kinds of Cosmetic Packaging take care of the well-being of nature. They are reusable/biodegradable and recyclable too. Presenting a high-end bio cosmetic in a plastic container is unreasonable and illogical since the product does not justify the packaging. It rather ruins the basic concept from which the product has been made. Thus, making the brand look deceptive and unreliable.

Eco-Friendly Packaging System

Investment on lack of animal testing, natural compounds and bio practices goes completely unjustified if the manufacturer uses a plastic container that is non-recyclable and will be polluting nature in the coming hundred years. Just think, if a sustainable cosmetic does not come in a sustainable Cosmetic Packaging, is the cosmetic sustainable? Is this not a question to think deeply about? However, the cosmetic industry is rapidly moving towards evolving cosmetic packaging completely and turning it into biodegradable packaging. Eco-friendly packaging is considered to be the future of the cosmetic packaging industry. To know the benefits of sustainable bottles, containers, bags, and boxes, all you need to do is keep reading.

Refill and Reuse

Carelessness is the basic reason for all the environmental hazards and pollution. This natural damage happens because the unsustainable practices in the industry is out of scope. This is the reason why customers are desperately looking out for alternatives of these plastic packaging. Re-usage is the process that needs to be applied in this case. Designs that are used for Cosmetics Packaging should be refillable and reusable. Refillable designs solve waste issues. This also helps to lower the production cost, which, in return, encourages the purchase pricing to be lower as well. You can find these kinds of designs for liquid beauty products like shampoos and shower gels.

Alternatives for Plastic

Another ongoing search that is going on is for replacing plastic with sustainable packaging. The most common solutions are wooden containers, glass jars, paper wrappings, cork labels and caps, cardboard boxes and bags. However, there are options available for Cosmetics Packaging. These are recyclable packaging, bioplastics, compostable shrink wraps, etc. Of late, various innovative materials are being used for Cosmetics Packaging. These biodegradable materials include bamboo, seaweed, cornstarch, banana peels, whole-wheat, mushrooms, etc. It feels good to know that there are so many alternatives to dangerous plastics. However, these are not widely available.

Reducing the Packaging

Along with the concepts of refill, reuse, and recycle comes another major step which is extremely important for sustainable branding. Being eco-friendly is all about being able to make decisions that will make a positive impact on nature. The thing that promotes sustainability the most is the reduction of future wastes by reducing the present packaging. Companies that build eco-friendly packaging for their cosmetic products are working on strategies that will help to reduce the amount of packaging on their cosmetic products. However, this can be done by removing the ‘extra’ pack feature that is not required for beauty products. For more information visit here: APG Packaging