Thursday 16 July 2020

Have Airless Pump Bottles Proven Beneficial For Both Sellers And Users?

The unique structure of the airless pump bottles has increased their usefulness in the packaging industry. As these containers prevent a substance from exposure to the air or moisture, even while the product is being used. Hence, a product’s shelf-life may increase up to 15% when packaged via an airless container,verses being contained in another form.The demand of airless pump bottles has increased in the packaging industry,due to this reason. These containers are used to store different types of liquid and semi-liquid products, such as cosmetics and skincare products. These items need additional protection from the UV rays of sunlight, air pollutants or the moisture in the air.

Skincare products are made of different types of chemicals, which may react adversely when encountering moisture, heat,or air.Both skincare and cosmetic products meet these elements whenever someone opens the lid of any container to use the product. A skincare product may even come in contact with the sunlight, air and moisture when being kept on the shelf. No container provides complete protection from these environmental elements, except for the airless pump bottles, due to their unique structure. The airless pump bottles use no dip-tube in order to dispense the contained products. These non-pressurized vacuum dispensing systems use a mechanical pump to dispense the liquid or semi-liquid products. Each airless pump bottle contains a disc. This disc moves up and releases the product whenever someone presses at a container’s tip.

Hence, using a dip-tube is not necessary in order to release a product from the airless pump bottles unlike other types of containers. The dip tubes are made of plastic/metal. Therefore, the sensitive skincare products do not come in contact with the metal/plastic when an airless pump bottle is being used. This is another benefit of using airless pump bottles instead of using other types of containers, as other containers use dip-tubes. This type of container is extremely useful for the skincare products made of natural elements without containing any preservatives.These products need additional protection from the heat/moisture/air.

The users also benefit from using the airless pump bottles. If you use a conventional dispenser that is fitted with a dip-tube, then it is impossible to release the product that is present near the bottom.The dip-tubes cannot release it. However, you do not witness the same difficulty when using an airless pump bottle, as the disc inside the container can rise and send the product upwards even if there is a little bit of product left at the bottom.

Hence, airless pump bottles have been proven beneficial for manufacturers, distributors and users. These bottles are available in varying shapes, sizes or designs. These bottles can be built using single or double layers of the polypropylene/acrylic/PETG/PETE plastic materials. You may even find airless pump bottles fitted with matt/glossy finish and with or without caps. For more information visit here: APG Packaging

Friday 10 July 2020

Packaging Cosmetics – APG Packaging (626) 385-5858

APG Packaging
350 Mountain View Circle
Azusa, California 91702
(626) 385-5858

Packaging Custom Eyeliner – APG Packaging (626) 385-5858

APG Packaging
350 Mountain View Circle
Azusa, California 91702
(626) 385-5858

Cosmetic Packaging Eco Friendly – APG Packaging (626) 385-5858

APG Packaging
350 Mountain View Circle
Azusa, California 91702
(626) 385-5858

Companies Packaging – APG Packaging (626) 385-5858

APG Packaging
350 Mountain View Circle
Azusa, California 91702
(626) 385-5858

Packaging Skincare – APG Packaging (626) 385-5858

APG Packaging
350 Mountain View Circle
Azusa, California 91702
(626) 385-5858

Tuesday 7 July 2020

How Can Companies Use Their Skincare Packaging To Build Customer Trust?

The modern consumer of cosmetics and skincare products does not fall for gimmicks, false promises, or glitzy imageries. Due to the internet, there has been a massive awareness in the community of cosmetic consumers. They are naturally gravitating towards brands and companies that are straightforward, honest, and trustworthy. Transparency and honesty are far more important than the materials you use in your skincare packaging. The importance of the messages these companies send precedes the quality of packaging materials that they use. Cosmetic brands that are not following this trend of openness and honesty will eventually end up becoming replaced by other companies that value these needs. Here’s how companies can use their skincare packaging to build customer trust.

Promoting Brand Values

The age-old marketing mantra ‘customers buy feelings, not commodities,’ still stands true in the cosmetic industry. Every consumer loves the promotion of inclusive and positive values. For instance, consumers of skincare products are extremely particular about the ingredients used to manufacture their products. Hence, companies must include details such as whether the ingredients of the product are organic, all-natural, or chemically induced. Little details, like how the company is pursuing environmentally friendly approaches, even in their skincare packaging materials, make a huge commercial difference in the long run. Use your packaging to promote ethics and not marketing messages!

Transparent Labels

Consumers of skincare products often feel duped when they peel away the multiple layers of packaging, only to find out that the item that they ordered doesn’t look like the item they first saw in the advertisements. For instance, a person expecting a blue gel to pop out of their skincare product may feel cheated if they find out that the gel has a dull grey color. To do away with these customer-trust problems, companies must start using transparent labels – both literally and figuratively. A see-through label enables a consumer to check the content of the product they purchase visibly. Plus, a label that contains honest details about the product and its ingredients is also helpful for customers.

Promote Other Products

Do not consider promoting other products immorally. The modern shopper is smart enough to know that their skincare company will advertise other products to them. So, promoting other products on your skincare packaging in the best way possible. Provide information such as how using the two products as a combination can help better their user experience. A brand is bigger than just one product. By promoting other products, brands begin to promote a sense of wholesomeness. ‘Our brand has every skincare product that you’ll ever need’ – that’s the idea!

Create Comprehensive Labels that Define the Value of Your Products

Labels on a skincare product are the first thing that smart consumers turn their eyes to. So, to create a long-lasting first impression, make sure to apply well-designed labels on your skincare packaging materials. These labels should not be cracked or damaged. They should feel smooth in the hands, and the information mentioned on them should be pleasing to read. Aspiring sellers of skin care products can benefit a lot from implementing these smart packaging tricks on their line of products! Visit Here: APG Packaging